
Making of Love

Can eroticism be shown for what it is, outside the ideological cage of the forbidden in which it has always been relegated?


Title Design   Motion Design   Graphic Design
Illustrations by Giulia Rosa

In Europe 2020, the majority of young people, age twelve and upwards, make daily use of pornography. At the same time, in some countries like Italy, sex education is a theme that divides and shocks and is neglected almost in all schools.
Now, a group of young artists have decided to make a movie and take it into schools to open a debate about the culture of bodies, pleasure and genders.

Making of Love title cast
Making of Love logo

From the beginning, the project has been supervised by documentary filmmakers Anna Pollio and Lucio Basadonne, and scriptwriter Michele Vaccari: together they filmed and gathered every phase, from auditions to video messages, to capture the personal and creative journey of the eight main characters.
Making of Love is the TV series that follows their growth, the filming process and witness the moment where the young creatives will screen their film to a group of teenagers. They will share their ideas amongst peers, discussing freely bodies and pleasures.

Making of Love Poster
Making of Love Movie Set
Making of Love Movie Set
Making of Love Book Illustration
Making of Love Television Studio Bignardi
Making of Love heart

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